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Lake Worth Christian Student-Athletes 2023-2024 

ALL new and returning athletes must be registered and cleared in Athletic Clearance in order to participate in conditioning, camps, and tryouts. The Athletic Clearance platform is a paperless system that manages athlete registrations, physicals, and all necessary documents to be able to play sports at Lake Worth Christian School. 

Instructions for Parents/Guardians: (Register using any computer, tablet, or smartphone device.) BEFORE you register, please gather the following items. 

• An updated physical on the appropriate FHSAA EL2 form

• Proof of taking 3 on-line courses in the athlete’s name (not Parent’s name) 

FHSAA Heat Illness Certificate 

FHSAA Sudden Cardiac Arrest Certificate 

FHSAA Concussion Video Certificate 

GA4 form (required for ALL athletes) 

**All physicals expire one year after the physician’s signature.**

Find Your School: Find Lake Worth Christian by going to select Florida. 

1. FIRST TIME USERS: Create an Account: The video on this screen will provide instructions. RETURNING USERS: Enter Login information (email address) and click “Sign In” 

2. Select “Start Clearance Here” to start the process. 

3. Choose: School Year (2023-24), Select Lake Worth Christian, select sport. 

4. Complete all required fields: Student Information, Parent Information, Medical History, Signature Forms, and upload the current and completed EL2 making sure it is completely filled out, Heat Illness, Concussion and Cardiac Video Certificates as required and GA 4 form. 

5. Once you reach the Confirmation Message, you have completed the online registration process. Please do not print the Confirmation Message. This form DOES NOT NEED TO BE TURNED IN. It says your child started the process and is not cleared until you get the Cleared Email. 

6. Your student is not yet CLEARED! The data is electronically filed with the LWCS Athletic Department for review. When your athlete is cleared for participation, you will receive an email notification. 

7. If you have questions, please use the yellow Help Option on the bottom right of the screen or contact the LWCS Athletic Department

8. Additional Athletes: Under the same account, register additional students. 


What is my Username? 

Your username is the email address that you registered with. 

Multiple Sports 

If you know or think your student will play multiple sports, it is best to add all sports on the first step. If you are registering for additional sports after completing your initial clearance for the year, you will have to complete the process again. The good news is that if you select the student and parent info from the dropdown on those respective pages, the information will autofill. 


The physical form can be downloaded on the Medical History page. Please note that physicals expire after 365 days from the date it is signed by the physician. Also, the FHSAA EL2 Physical is the only form accepted. The form MUST BE SIGNED by the PARENT AND STUDENT, with all yes answers explained, and Florida PHYSICIAN prior to uploading the file. 

Your Files

This area is meant to store your files so you can access them later in the year or perhaps years following. 

Why haven’t I been cleared? 

The Athletic Department will review the information you have submitted and Clear or Deny your student for participation within a reasonable time frame. You will receive an email when the student is cleared to participate. 

My student was denied, now what? 

You should have received an email with the reason for denial. Please update your Clearance record accordingly, then send an email to the Athletic Department and ask to review the information. Of course, if you have any challenges with this process, please email the Athletic Department for assistance.